Yuliya is a seasoned educator and speaker specializing in Emotional, Interpersonal, and Organizational wellness. She provides educational services for youth, adults and organizations through interactive, skill-building, practical workshops, lectures, talks, and presentations.



Speaker topics

Each can be tailored to your specific needs


Workshops for employers and employees for proactive (vs. reactive) approach to building high performance healthy teams and culture.


2 hours to a full day workshops for personal, interpersonal, and workplace wellness and performance. 


Workshops for high stress roles (first responders, teachers, corporate and organizational leaders)


Workshops and presentations for business professionals and organizations.

Current Groups

School of Emotional Intelligence

Girls Confidence Club

GCC is a 6-week CBT-Based Skill-Building Program. Its primary objective is to enhance Emotional Intelligence in youth and improve their biopsychosocial wellness. www.girlsconfidenceclub.com

Yuliya`s Speaking Portfolio

Understanding Depression and Anxiety for First Responders. Workshop for Community Safety/Emergency Management students.

Emotional Intelligence in Leadership. Workshop for Protection, Security & Investigation students.

Interprofessional Education. Guest speaker at Interprofessional Education & Practice in Human Services & Community Safety.  

Emotional Intelligence. Workshop for early education staff.

Internet Addiction. Psychoeducation and Prevention strategies. Workshop for parents and caregivers from York Region.

Parenting a child with Autism. Workshop for parents of children diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum Disorder. 

Emotional Regulation and Anger Management. Two-day workshop for students.

The Myth of Perfect. Presentation at TARA Talks, Conference for women in business. 

Cultural Diversity in Mental Health. Presentation at the Canadian Mental Health Association National Conference.

"After having Yuliya of the Barrie Anxiety clinic as a guest speaker, I would rate my mental health awareness at a 8-9, compared to a 3-4 at the beginning of the semester. It really opened my eyes that talking about your thoughts, feelings or emotions is ok, and does not make you any less than another individual. It certainly helps hearing about other first responders seeking help, and it helps reinforce that even though they are tough, they are not invincible. I was also extremely happy having the opportunity to talk to Yuliya about types of treatment, and her thoughts on medication to treat such disorders. She really helped me see things in a different light, so for that I owe a big thank you. "  

Georgian College Student